Inflation in March @ 5.96%

Capital Market
Last Updated : Apr 18 2013 | 6:00 PM IST
The official Wholesale Price Index for 'All Commodities' (Base: 2004-05 = 100) for the month March, 2013 rose by 0.2 % to 170.6 (provisional) from 170.2 (provisional) for the previous month.

The annual rate of inflation, based on monthly WPI, stood at 5.96% (provisional) for the month of March, 2013 (over March, 2012) as compared to 6.84% (provisional) for the previous month and 7.69% during the corresponding month of the previous year. Build up inflation rate in the financial year so far was 5.96% compared to a build up rate of 7.69% in the corresponding period of the previous year.

Primary articles

The index for this major group rose by 0.4 % to 223.6 (provisional) from 222.7 (provisional) for the previous month. The index for 'Non-Food Articles' group rose by 0.6 % to 206.9 (provisional) from 205.6 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of logs & timber (16%), soyabean (11%), raw rubber (7%), mesta and gingelly seed (5% each) and raw cotton, raw silk and raw jute (4% each). However, the prices of flower (18%), rape & mustard seed (9%), copra (coconut) and fodder (3% each) and groundnut seed and guar seed (1% each) declined. On monthly basis, primary articles recorded 7.60% growth in March 2013 compared with March 2012. The growth rate for the index in February 2013 stood at 9.70% compared with same month a year ago.

The index for 'Minerals' group rose by 2.1 % to 357.4 (provisional) from 350.1 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of zinc concentrate (5%), iron ore (4%), crude petroleum (2%) and copper ore (1%). However, the prices of magnesite (7%), sillimanite (6%), manganese ore and barytes (3% each) and chromite (1%) declined.

Inflation index for food articles recorded 8.73% growth in March 2013. It was 11.38% in February 2013.

Fuel & power

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The index for this major group rose by 0.4 % to 195.9 (provisional) from 195.2 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of aviation turbine fuel (4%), high speed diesel and lignite (2% each). However, the prices of naphtha and light diesel oil (2% each) and petrol (1%) declined.

Manufactured products

The index for this major group rose by 0.1 % to 148.4 (provisional) from 148.2 (provisional) for the previous month. The index for 'Food Products' group declined by 0.5 % to 164.9 (provisional) from 165.7 (provisional) for the previous month due to lower prices of sunflower oil (7%), cotton seed oil (5%), mustard & rapeseed oil (4%), tea leaf (unblended), groundnut oil, tea leaf (blended) and soyabean oil (3% each), processed prawn and canned fish (2 % each) and sugar, tea dust (unblended), palm oil, copra oil, tea dust (blended) and sugar confectionary (1% each). However, the prices of oil cakes and wheat flour (atta) (4% each), gingelly oil and bakery products (3% each), salt (2%) and mixed spices, gur, sooji (rawa) and gola (cattle feed) (1% each) moved up.

The index for 'Beverages, Tobacco & Tobacco Products' group declined by 0.4 % to 178.1 (provisional) from 178.8 (provisional) for the previous month due to lower prices of dried tobacco (4%) and beer and rectified spirit (1 % each). The index for 'Textiles' group declined by 0.3 % to 132.7 (provisional) from 133.1 (provisional) for the previous month due to lower prices of jute sacking bag and man made fibre (1% each). However, the prices of cotton yarn (1%) moved up.

The index for 'Wood & Wood Products' group declined by 0.1 % to 173.5 (provisional) from 173.7 (provisional) for the previous month due to lower prices of wooden chair and veneer wood (3% each).

The index for 'Paper & Paper Products' group rose by 1.2 % to 140.0 (provisional) from 138.3 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of books/ periodicals/ journals (5%), newspaper (3%), paper cartons / boxes (2%) and maplitho paper, paper for printing / poster and printing and writing paper (1% each). However, the prices of card board (1%) declined. The index for 'Leather & Leather Products' group rose by 0.4 % to 134.3 (provisional) from 133.8 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of leather footwear (1%).

The index for 'Rubber & Plastic Products' group rose by 0.3 % to 139.4 (provisional) from 139.0 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of rubber foot wear (3%), polyester film (2%) and plastic/pvc pipe (1%). The index for 'Chemicals & Chemical Products' group rose by 0.4 % to 145.5 (provisional) from 144.9 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of thermocol (8%), polymers (3%), basic organic chemicals and pesticides (2% each) and antibiotics, castor oil, vitamins and tooth paste / tooth powder (1% each). However, the prices of safety matches/ match box (6%), synthetic resin (2%) and non-cyclic compound and hair / body oils (1% each) declined.

The index for 'Non-Metallic Mineral Products' group rose by 1.8 % to 167.7 (provisional) from 164.8 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of marbles (19%), white cement (3%) and grey cement (2%). The index for 'Basic Metals, Alloys & Metal Products' group declined by 0.1 % to 164.8 (provisional) from 165.0 (provisional) for the previous month due to lower prices of silver, utensils (other than aluminium) and pig iron (3% each), sheets (2%) and steel castings, slab, furniture and metal containers (1% each). However, the prices of steel structures (6%), lead (5%), melting scrap (2%) and steel rods, pressure cooker, zinc and iron & steel wire (1% each) moved up.

The index for 'Machinery & Machine Tools' group rose by 0.2 % to 129.5 (provisional) from 129.3 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of fibre optic cable (9%), electric switch gears and electric generators (2%) and plastic machinery, boiler & accessories, engines, concrete vibrator & mixture, heating elements and rubber machinery (1% each). However, the prices of control equipments and ball/roller bearing (1% each) declined. The index for 'Transport, Equipment & Parts' group rose by 0.8 % to 132.3 (provisional) from 131.3 (provisional) for the previous month due to higher prices of bus / mini bus / truck (4%).

January inflation index revised upwards

For the month of January, 2013, the final Wholesale Price Index for 'All Commodities' (Base: 2004-05=100) stood at 170.3 as compared to 169.2 (provisional) and annual rate of inflation based on final index stood at 7.31 % as compared to 6.62 % respectively as reported on 14.02.2013.

Wholesale Price Index and Rates of Inflation (Base Year: 2004-05=100)

Month of March, 2013Commodities/Major Groups/Groups/Sub-Groups Weight WPI Mar., 2013 Latest month over month Build up from March Year on year 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13ALL COMMODITIES 100 170.6 1.07 0.24 7.69 5.96 7.69 5.96PRIMARY ARTICLES 20.11815 223.6 2.36 0.4 10.41 7.6 10.41 7.6Food Articles 14.33709 214.3 2.44 0 10.11 8.73 10.11 8.73Cereals 3.37323 213.4 1.18 0.47 4.64 18.36 4.64 18.36Rice 1.79348 206.8 1.39 0.58 5.03 17.9 5.03 17.9Wheat 1.11595 206.3 1.18 -0.29 -0.58 19.87 -0.58 19.87Pulses 0.71662 232.4 0.81 -3.09 10.1 10.51 10.1 10.51Vegetables 1.73553 188.2 18.01 4.27 32.59 -0.95 32.59 -0.95Potato 0.2015 152 19.55 -1.68 18.43 20.06 18.43 20.06Onion 0.17794 265 1.64 -22.13 -24.06 94.85 -24.06 94.85Fruits 2.10717 184.7 3.64 -0.38 -4.39 4.71 -4.39 4.71Milk 3.23818 210.2 -0.1 -0.24 15.29 4.42 15.29 4.42Egg, Meat & Fish 2.41384 254.7 -0.43 -2.04 17.4 11.03 17.4 11.03Non-Food Articles 4.25756 206.9 1.66 0.63 -0.78 8.95 -0.78 8.95Fibres 0.87737 220.5 -1.17 4.06 -31.35 13.25 -31.35 13.25Oil Seeds 1.78051 203.8 4.26 0.49 13.44 18.97 13.44 18.97Minerals 1.5235 357.4 3.07 2.09 34.48 -0.39 34.48 -0.39FUEL & POWER 14.91021 195.9 0.62 0.36 12.82 10.18 12.82 10.18Liquefied petroleum gas 0.91468 185.1 0 -0.43 14.27 25.66 14.27 25.66Petrol 1.09015 186.8 0 -1.06 12.04 5.12 12.04 5.12High speed diesel 4.6702 203.4 0 1.7 9.24 21.22 9.24 21.22MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS 64.97164 148.4 0.56 0.13 5.16 4.07 5.16 4.07Food Products 9.97396 164.9 0.59 -0.48 6.2 7.01 6.2 7.01Sugar 1.73731 191.9 -0.51 -1.24 2.87 9.41 2.87 9.41Edible Oils 3.04293 145 1.65 -2.29 9.94 2.4 9.94 2.4Beverages, Tobacco & Tobacco Product 1.76247 178.1 0.3 -0.39 8.93 5.82 8.93 5.82Cotton Textiles 2.60526 148.7 0.64 0.34 -8.66 5.24 -8.66 5.24Man Made Textiles 2.20573 127.2 0.17 -0.31 -1.64 5.91 -1.64 5.91Wood & Wood Products 0.58744 173.5 0.55 -0.12 8.64 5.28 8.64 5.28Paper & Paper Products 2.0335 140 0.3 1.23 2.47 5.5 2.47 5.5Leather & Leather Products 0.83509 134.3 1 0.37 4.94 1.97 4.94 1.97Rubber & Plastic Products 2.98697 139.4 0.3 0.29 1.2 3.57 1.2 3.57Chemicals & Chemical Products 12.0177 145.5 0.94 0.41 7.66 4.53 7.66 4.53Non-Metallic Mineral Products 2.55597 167.7 1.28 1.76 6.68 6.01 6.68 6.01Cement & Lime 1.38646 171.9 1.62 1.96 6.12 5.4 6.12 5.4Basic Metals Alloys & Metal Product 10.74785 164.8 0.8 -0.12 10.11 0.92 10.11 0.92Iron & Semis 1.56301 154.8 2.29 -0.51 17.61 -6.18 17.61 -6.18Machinery & Machine Tools 8.93148 129.5 0.08 0.15 2.51 2.45 2.51 2.45Transport Equipment & Parts 5.21282 132.3 0.48 0.76 3.27 4.67 3.27 4.67Source PIB

Trend of Rate of Inflation for some important items during last six months

Commodities/Major Groups/Groups/Sub-Groups Weight (%) Rate of Inflation for the last six months 13-Mar 13-Feb 13-Jan 12-Dec 12-Nov 12-OctALL COMMODITIES 100 5.96 6.84 7.31 7.31 7.24 7.32PRIMARY ARTICLES 20.12 7.6 9.7 11.41 10.56 9.56 7.81Food Articles 14.34 8.73 11.38 12.35 10.63 8.8 6.72Cereals 3.37 18.36 19.19 18.6 19.08 17.84 16.28Rice 1.79 17.9 18.84 17.77 17.1 15.28 14.97Wheat 1.12 19.87 21.63 21.87 22.63 23.25 19.78Pulses 0.72 10.51 14.96 15.89 16.25 18.77 19.86Vegetables 1.74 -0.95 12.11 30.02 14.36 -1.53 -9.05Potato 0.2 20.06 45.99 73.1 58.03 67.85 49.13Onion 0.18 94.85 154.33 125.17 72.79 16.55 -9.12Fruits 2.11 4.71 8.93 10.28 4.84 7.43 3.43Milk 3.24 4.42 4.57 4.52 6.15 6.18 6.35Egg, Meat & Fish 2.41 11.03 12.85 11.2 12.66 14.24 13.1Non-Food Articles 4.26 8.95 10.06 13 13.56 14.04 11.43Fibres 0.88 13.25 7.56 3.27 0.69 -1.34 -4.74Oil Seeds 1.78 18.97 23.43 27.05 30.02 30.6 27.25Minerals 1.52 -0.39 0.57 4.03 5.57 6.88 8.63FUEL & POWER 14.91 10.18 10.47 9.27 10.25 9.97 11.65Liquefied petroleum gas 0.91 25.66 26.21 24.24 19.01 4.01 2.04Petrol 1.09 5.12 6.25 3.43 3.43 1.48 3.75High speed diesel 4.67 21.22 19.19 18.47 14.6 14.6 14.6MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS 64.97 4.07 4.51 4.95 5.04 5.41 5.95Food Products 9.97 7.01 8.16 8.68 8.74 9.25 9.82Sugar 1.74 9.41 10.21 10.09 9.84 15.48 18.88Edible Oils 3.04 2.4 6.53 7.54 9.2 9.76 9.38Beverages, Tobacco & Tobacco Product 1.76 5.82 6.56 6.76 7.14 8.13 8.85Cotton Textiles 2.61 5.24 5.56 5.1 4.89 5.46 6.3Man Made Textiles 2.21 5.91 6.42 6.26 5.55 4.36 3.77Wood & Wood Products 0.59 5.28 5.98 6.17 6.9 5.98 5.81Paper & Paper Products 2.03 5.5 4.54 5.61 4.08 3.47 3.1Leather & Leather Products 0.84 1.97 2.61 2.44 2.66 2.5 2.68Rubber & Plastic Products 2.99 3.57 3.58 3.65 3.51 3.3 3.15Chemicals & Chemical Products 12.02 4.53 5.08 5.66 5.86 6.27 6.66Non-Metallic Mineral Products 2.56 6.01 5.51 5.71 4.1 4.75 6.63Cement & Lime 1.39 5.4 5.05 5.18 2.23 4.73 8.13Basic Metals Alloys & Metal Product 10.75 0.92 1.85 2.54 3.18 4.45 6.32Iron & Semis 1.56 -6.18 -3.53 -2.76 -0.19 4.32 6.01Machinery & Machine Tools 8.93 2.45 2.38 2.62 2.55 2.63 2.63Transport Equipment & Parts 5.21 4.67 4.37 4.7 4.71 4.39 4.32Source PIB

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First Published: Apr 15 2013 | 12:14 PM IST

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