Info Edge (India) advanced 3.91% to Rs 3838 after the company's standalone net profit jumped 66.9% to Rs 120.70 crore on a 51.6% increase in net sales to Rs 455.51 crore in Q4 FY22 over Q4 FY21.
Billing in Q4 FY22 was Rs 649.3 crore, up 52.5% YoY. Billing including acquired operating businesses (Zwayam and DoSelect) was at Rs 665.5 crore.
In the fourth quarter, Recruitment Solutions billing was Rs 513 crore (up 66.58% YoY), billing was Rs 79.3 crore (up 10.6% YoY) and billing was Rs 28.7 crore (up 48.2% YoY).
Cash EBIDTA of Info Edge in Q4 FY22 stood at Rs 341.7 crore, up 84.8% YoY. Cash EBITDA Margin stood at 52.6% in Q4 FY22, up from 43.4% in Q4 FY21.
Info Edge recorded 85.3% increase in standalone net profit to Rs 520.54 crore on a 38.5% rise in net sales to Rs 1,562.46 crore in FY22 over FY21.
The board has declared dividend of Rs 13 per share ( Rs 8 per share interim and Rs 5 per share as final dividend) for the year 2022.
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Hitesh Oberoi, managing director and chief executive officer, Info Edge, said: "We are experiencing strong tailwinds in recruitment and real estate verticals. Post pandemic the gap between supply and demand of skills has increased globally. We expect this trend to continue in mid to long term and will create demand for platforms like naukri.
Chintan Thakkar, whole time director and chief financial officer, Info Edge (India), stated: "Outstanding growth in billing, revenues, profitability and cash from operations. Naukri business has placed the company on a solid platform of consistent profitable growth.
Info Edge (India) is among the leading internet companies in India. The company runs leading internet businesses viz.,, and The company also owns Quadrangle and Naukri Gulf. It has made significant strategic investments such as, and happily etc.
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