JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals fell 3.11% to Rs 673 after consolidated net profit rose 7% to Rs 50.07 crore on 5.9% rise in net sales to Rs 443.57 crore in Q4 March 2020 over Q4 March 2019.
Consolidated profit before tax (PBT) slipped 1.8% to Rs 67.02 crore in Q4 March 2020 as against Rs 68.28 crore in Q4 March 2019. Current tax expenses skid 21.1% to Rs 16.95 crore in Q4 March 2020 as against Rs 21.49 crore in Q4 March 2019. The result was announced at the fag end of market hours yesterday, 25 June 2020.
Consolidated EBITDA jumped 40% to Rs 91.70 crore in Q4 FY20 as against Rs 65.50 crore in Q4 FY19. Consolidated EBITDA margin improved to 20.67% in Q4 FY20 from 15.64% in Q4 FY19. The board has recommended a final dividend of Re 1 per equity share for FY20.
Domestic formulation business registered growth of 24% Y-o-Y (year-on-year). Export business got affected due to lockdown during March end and declined by 6% Y-o-Y. Growth in Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) business got effected due to Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) supply issue at vendor location. Margin improved due to better product mix and cost optimisation helped improve the operating profit during the financial year.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals has experienced a slowdown in the sales of products in acute segment due to the closure of clinics and use of hospitals largely for COVID-19 patients. This could also impact performance of the new product launches, it added.
J B Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical company manufacturing & marketing a diverse range of pharmaceutical formulations, herbal remedies and APIs.
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