JSW Steel to acquire 26.45% stake in JSW Vallabh Tinplate
Capital MarketJSW Steel has entered into a legally binding share purchase agreement to acquire, in one or more tranches, 1,32,37,227 equity shares of Rs 10 each, representing 26.45% of the issued and paid-up share capital of
JSW Vallabh Tinplate from the existing third party shareholders of JSW
Vallabh Tinplate. The closing of the transaction is subject to customary
closing conditions.
Pursuant to the above, JSW Vallabh Tinplate shall, on closing of the transaction, become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, with the Company's direct and indirect (through its wholly owned subsidiary Vardhman Industries) shareholding in JSW Vallabh Tinplate increasing from 73.55% to 100%.
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