Key benchmark indices edged lower amid initial volatility on negative Asian stocks. At 9:26 IST, the barometer index, the S&P BSE Sensex, was down 46.09 points or 0.18% at 25,689.81. The Nifty 50 index was off 9.95 points or 0.13% at 7,824.50. The broad market depicted strength. There were more than two gainers against every loser on BSE. 1,038 shares rose and 341 shares fell. A total of 69 shares were unchanged. The BSE Mid-Cap index was currently up 0.22%. The BSE Small-Cap index was currently up 0.37%. Both these indices outperformed the Sensex.
In overseas markets, Asian markets were trading marginally lower in cautious trade as trading volume remained low. US markets rallied yesterday, 21 December 2015 led by gains in telecom and technology stocks as investors shrugged off weak oil prices.
State Bank of India (SBI) rose 0.78% after the bank announced that the committee of directors of the bank at its meeting held yesterday, 21 December 2015, has authorized the bank to raise upto Rs 12000 crore by way of issue of Basel III compliant Tier II bonds, at par, through private placement. The announcement was made after market hours yesterday, 21 December 2015.
Realty stocks gained. Indiabulls Real Estate (up 1.28%), Housing Development and Infrastructure (up 3.7%), DLF (up 0.56%), D B Realty (up 0.19%), Unitech (up 0.74%), Sobha (up 1.08%), Godrej Properties (up 2.45%) gained. Oberoi Realty shed 0.54%.
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