Bids for LED streetlighting and other related works in Rajasthan state
MIC Electronics announced that the Company as a Lead Bidder in consortium with Kiran Impex, Hyderabad participated in a tender bearing No. EESL/06/2015-16/SL-RAJ/0512030 dated 06 May 2015 floated by Energy Efficiency Services for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Testing, Installation (Retrofit), Commissioning and 7 years Warranty of LED Streetlights and Other Related Works under 8 Municipalities of Rajasthan State, for seven clusters for a total quantity of 3,19,145 LED street lights. Out of seven clusters, the consortium stood L1 (1st lowest bidder position) for five clusters and stood L2 (2nd lowest bidder position) for two clusters.Powered by Capital Market - Live News