The MSPs of Jowar (Hybrid), Jowar (Maldandi) and Ragi have been retained at last year's level of Rs 1500 per quintal, Rs 1520 per quintal and Rs 1500 per quintal respectively. The MSP of Bajra has been raised by Rs 75 per quintal and fixed at Rs 1250 per quintal. The MSP of Maize has been raised by Rs 135 per quintal over last year's MSP at Rs 1310 per quintal.
The MSP of Arhar (Tur) has been fixed at Rs 4300 per quintal and of Moong at Rs 4500 per quintal marking an increase of Rs 450 per quintal and Rs 100 per quintal respectively over their MSP of last year. The MSP of Urad has been retained at last year's level of Rs 4300 per quintal.
The MSPs of Groundnut-in-shell, Soyabean (Black) and Sesamum have been increased by Rs300 per quintal each and fixed at Rs 4000 per quintal, Rs 2500 per quintal and Rs 4500 per quintal respectively. MSP of Soyabean (Yellow) has been increased by Rs 320 per quintal over its MSP of last year and fixed at Rs 2560 per quintal. The MSPs of Sunflower Seed and Nigerseed have been retained at last year's levels of Rs 3700 per quintal and Rs 3500 per quintal respectively.
MSP of Cotton (Medium Staple) and Cotton (Long Staple) have been raised by Rs 100 per quintal each, over their MSP of last year. They have been fixed at Rs 3700 per quintal and Rs 4000 per quintal respectively.
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