In addition to the above, earlier with major reforms coming through Government initiatives of GST roll out with effect from 01 July 2017, NLC India , as a power generator using lignite from its own mines in the same state passed on the benefit coming from the non-applicability of compensatory cess which resulted in reduction of Power Tariff ranging from Rs.0.45 to Rs.0.75 per Kwhr based on primary fuel consumption in its various power plants. That time around Rs.631 crore benefit (for nine months) was passed on to user Discoms in southern states as well as in Rajasthan.
Now with the further reduction of transfer price as stated above, the total reduction in power tariff has been to the tune of Rs.0.80 to Rs.1.33 per Kwhr resulting in huge benefit to the consumers by almost Rs.1523 crore per annum.
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