Some of the prominent schemes of NSTFDC are:
Term Loan scheme: NSTFDC provides Term Loan for any income generation scheme costing upto?25.00 lakhs per unit. Financial assistance is extended upto 90% of the cost of the scheme and the balance is met by way of subsidy/ promoter's contribution/ margin money. Interest rate chargeable is 6% p.a. for loan upto? 5 lakhs, 8% p.a. for loans ranging between ? 5 lakhs to ? 10 lakhs and 10% p.a. for loan exceeding ?10 lakhs on the entire amount of loan.
Adivasi MahilaSashaktikaranYojana (AMSY): Under the scheme, Scheduled Tribes women can undertake any income generation activity. Loans upto 90% for scheme costing upto?1 lakh are provided at a concessional rate of interest of 4% p.a.
Micro Credit Scheme for Self Help Groups: The Corporation provides loans upto?50,000/- per member and ? 5 Lakhs per Self Help Group (SHG). Interest rate chargeable is 6% p.a.
Adivasi ShikshaRrinnYojana: Under this scheme, financial assistance upto?5.00 lakh at concessional rate of interest of 6% per annum is provided to ST students for pursuing professional/ technical education including Ph.D. in India. Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India provides interest subsidy for this scheme, whereby, no interest is payable by a student during the course period and one year or six months after getting the job, as the case may be. There is also a provision for providing further concessional finance for undertaking any income generation activity after completion of studies.
Tribal Forest Dwellers Empowerment Scheme: Under the scheme, NSTFDC provides financial assistance to Scheduled Tribes given land rights under Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. Loan upto 90% of the scheme costing upto?1 lakh can be provided at rate of interest of 6% p.a. This is a new scheme introduced and NSTFDC has requested the SCAs to implement the same.
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Scheme for NGOs/ EVAs: This is a newly launched scheme under which NSTFDC provides loans upto?50,000/- per member and ? 5 Lakhs per Self Help Group (SHG) through NGOs/ EVAs. The interest rate chargeable is 12% p.a. from members of SHGs against which they will get an interest incentive of 4% on timely payment thus making the effective rate of interest to 8%.
State-wise funds disbursed by NSTFDC during 2013-14 to 2016-17 (upto 30.06.2016) and number of beneficiaries is given below:-
S.No. State 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 (upto 30.06.2016)Disbursement No. of Beneficiaries Disbursement No. of Beneficiaries Disbursement No. of Beneficiaries Disbursement No. of Beneficiaries1 ANDHRA PRADESH - - - - 3313.14 1010 691.30 1552 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 8.84 3 4653.00 2350 1863.60 36546 - -3 ASSAM 203.24 1087 46.00 170 10.00 57 172.32 29824 CHHATTISGARH 1558.97 1157 20.53 8 933.53 344 53.37 675 GUJARAT 3372.87 26850 2343.19 11885 2137.84 12192 1000.00 100006 HIMACHAL PRADESH 201.05 2219 154.94 2866 11.32 23 8.50 17 JAMMU & KASHMIR 0.54 1 0.69 - 271.00 169 - -8 JHARKHAND 616.32 3018 41.67 35 204.50 606 - -9 KARNATAKA 2500.00 3267 2500.00 1010 - - - -10 KERALA 76.24 88 95.18 109 83.92 96 17.10 1911 MANIPUR - - 200.00 1050 - - - -12 MAHARASHTRA 1027.23 1564 - - - - - -13 MEGHALAYA 398.19 1252 517.57 1973 311.75 1287 82.64 26314 MADHYA PRADESH 874.56 204348 692.99 626 687.82 537 159.88 13715 MIZORAM 378.15 1182 72.00 2977 984.72 13330 - -16 NAGALAND 584.01 311 210.40 46 563.81 114 - -17 ODISHA 19.33 37 97.36 82 8.51 9 - -18 RAJASTHAN 1106.38 1650 1043.54 1482 321.63 485 - -19 TELANGANA - - - - 5000.00 21168 - -20 TRIPURA 716.31 666 2581.96 1228 73.24 - 1.99 -21 UTTARAKHAND 31.90 9 39.20 13 338.80 137 - -22 WEST BENGAL 460.87 4427 186.84 1745 540.87 4714 194.27 1882 TOTAL 14135.00 253136 15497.06 29655 17660.00 92824 2381.37 15506Powered by Capital Market - Live News