The shortfall in revenue of the Railways was mainly caused by passenger traffic which rose 11.3% to Rs 31896.24 crore while widely falling short of revised target of Rs 32500 crore. The passenger traffic revenue target was already reduced sharply from original estimate of Rs 36073 crore as set in the Railway Budget 2012-13 presented in February 2012.
The goods earnings, major contributor to Railways revenue kitty, target of Indian Railways for FY2013 was revised downward to Rs 85956 crore in February 2013, which is nearly met. The goods earnings of Indian Railways have increased 23.2% to Rs 85869 crore in FY2013, showing accelerated pace of growth compared to 10.7% growth recorded during FY2012. The sharp freight rate hike effective from March 2012 has supported the growth of goods revenue in FY2013.
The revenue from other sources increased 17.2% to Rs 7049.61 crore for FY2013, missing the revised target of Rs 7179 crore. Among the other sources of revenue, the revenue from other coaching advanced 11.1% to Rs 3137.92 crore exceeding the target of Rs 3083 crore, while the sundry revenue improved 22.6% to Rs 3911.69 crore in FY2013 missing the target of Rs 4096 crore..
Passenger Traffic
The total approximate number of passengers booked rose 2.3% to 8501.3 million in FY2013, showing sharp moderation in growth from 5.3% increase recorded for FY2012.
The passenger traffic of Indian Railway has declined for the second straight month at 2.7% to 699.96 million in addition to 3.4% fall recorded during February 2013.
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Performance in March 2013
The revenue of Indian Railways rose at a one-year low pace of 13.5% to Rs 12639.83 crore in March 2013, mainly impacted by deceleration in the growth of passenger and goods revenue. The passenger and goods traffic of Indian Railway rose 6.9% to Rs 2977.03 crore and 13.2% to Rs 8409.47 crore in March 2013. The other revenue galloped 35.7% to Rs 1253.33 crore in March 2013.
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