Shri Gadkari lamented that every year, one lakh 38 thousand people are killed in road accidents, the total social cost of which is estimated to be around Rs 1 Lakh crore. Moreover, 63% of the road crash deaths occur on National and State Highways. He said, the biggest problem faced in urban areas in addition to road safety is unprecedented growth of vehicles leading to traffic congestion and increasing road traffic violations.
The Minister said that due to lack of effective road engineering, faulty DPRs were made leading to increasing road accidents and fatalities. Calling for total transparency and zero tolerance for corruption, Shri Gadkari said there is need to fix accountability at the highest level for such large number of accidents in the country. He also laid stress on enforcement and education for achieving desired results on the ground. The Minister appreciated the role of Institute of Road Traffic Education towards capacity building of road traffic management based upon 25 years of their research.
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