Reliance Power rose 1.21% to Rs 54.20 at 10:26 IST on BSE after consolidated net profit rose 2.8% to Rs 276.47 crore on 20.1% increase in total income to Rs 1680.77 crore in Q4 March 2015 over Q4 March 2014.
The result was announced after market hours yesterday, 26 May 2015.
Meanwhile, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 30.83 points or 0.11% at 27,500.58.
On BSE, so far 3.09 lakh shares were traded in the counter as against average daily volume of 10.62 lakh shares in the past one quarter.
The stock hit a high of Rs 54.55 and a low of Rs 53.80 so far during the day. The stock had hit a 52-week high of Rs 113.20 on 11 June 2014. The stock had hit a 52-week low of Rs 52.05 on 12 May 2015.
The large-cap stock has equity capital of Rs 2796.63 crore. Face value per share is Rs 10.
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On a consolidated basis, Reliance Power's net profit rose 0.2% to Rs 1028.32 crore on 29.9% increase in total income to Rs 7202 crore in the year ended March 2015 over the year ended March 2014.
Reliance Power said the 1,200 megawatts (MW) of Rosa Power Plant in Uttar Pradesh generated 8,592 million units operating at availability of 94%. The 600 MW of Butibori Power Plant in Maharashtra generated 3,648 million units operating at availability of 85%. Entire capacity of 3,960 MW of the Sasan Ultra Mega Power Project located in Madhya Pradesh has been commissioned. The 20 MTPA Sasan Coal mines - the largest in India - are already operational, Reliance Power said. The 40 MW Dhursar Solar PV plant in Rajasthan generated 72 million units operating at availability of 98%, the company said. The 45 MW Wind capacity in Vashpet, Maharashtra generated 78 million units operating at availability of 91%. The 100 MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) project in Dhursar, Rajasthan, was commissioned during the year, it added.
Reliance Power is a part of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani (RADA) Group, one of India's largest business houses and is into power generation business.
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