Shree Ganesh Biotech (India) rose 4% to Rs 166.90 after the company fixed 11 February 2022 as the record date for the proposed 10-for-1 stock split.
The board of Shree Ganesh Biotech (India) in its meeting on 20 December 2021, recommended the proposal of splitting the company's shares from face value Rs 10 each to face value of Re 1 each.
Shree Ganesh Biotech (India) reported net profit of Rs 0.82 crore in Q2 September 2021 as against net loss of Rs 0.04 crore in Q2 September 2020. Net sales were reported at Rs 17.96 crore in Q2 September 2021. No sales were reported in the same quarter last year.
Shree Ganesh Biotech (India) is engaged in the trading of seeds and bhushi. It is mainly into the business of production, processing and marketing of high quality hybrid seeds for different crops like corn, sunflower, cotton, paddy, grain sorghum, etc.
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