For supply of Static Synchronous Compensator solutions
Siemens announced that it has won an order worth approximately Rs 570 crore to supply Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) solutions to Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL).The scope of the order includes design, engineering, supply, civil, installation, testing and commissioning of STATCOMs at four substation locations of PGCIL: Ranchi, Rourkela, Kishenganj and Jeypore across the states of Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha.
Cutting-edge technology from Siemens will result in the installation of one of the world's largest STATCOM projects at 400 kV level with a dynamic swing range of 2000MVAr and 1250MVAr mechanically switched components. The 400 kV STATCOMs are being manufactured at Siemens Ltd.'s manufacturing plant at Goa. With fast response time of STATCOM controls, power consumers will be benefitted in the form of constant grid voltage and frequency leading to availability of uninterrupted quality power.
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