TCS rose 1.17% to Rs 2191.00 after Petco selected it to deploy TCS Optumera, an AI-powered merchandise optimization suite
TCS Optumera leverages the power of AI and machine learning to localize and right-size store spaces, curate shopper centric omni-channel experiences, anticipate competitor pricing strategies in real-time, and enable optimal price recommendations. The suite is a part of TCS' Algo Retail approach that enables retailers to seamlessly integrate and orchestrate data flows across the retail value chain, harnessing the power of analytics, Al and machine learning to unlock exponential business value
The combined power of TCS' Business 4.0 thought leadership framework and TCS Optumera will enable Petco's merchandising team to hyper-localize and optimize their store products and space strategies in an integrated way, with greater speed and precision in decision-making. The suite will enable Petco to differentiate itself in the market and gain competitive advantage, while delivering an improved end-to-end customer experience.
TCS has been a strategic partner to Petco for more than eight years, delivering quality services and solutions including, retail and merchandising products, lT services, infrastructure services, and business process services, all to help Petco continue to be a market leader in a competitive space and deliver a superior experience to pet parents.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions organization.
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