The installed capacity of power generation in Central, State and Private Sectors stood at 2,29,252 MW for the year 2013-14 as on 31st October, 2013 . The details of the installed capacity in the three sectors during the year 2013-14 as on 31st October, 2013 are as below:
Sector Installed Power Generating Capacity (in MW)State 90,062Private 72,927Central 66,263Total 2,29,252The total power generated from various conventional sources during 2013-14 (April-October, 2013) was 561.593 BU.
During 2012-13, total power generated from various conventional sources was 912.057 BU as compared to target of 930.00 BU. The target set and achieved for power generation from different sources during the year 2012-13 and for the year 2013-14 upto October, 2013 from various conventional energy sources, namely thermal, hydro, nuclear and import of hydro power from Bhutan are as below:
There is no decline in power generation from coal based plants during 2013-14. The reason for decline in generation from gas based plants is due to less supply of gas from KG D-6 basin.
The details of power generation from coal and gas during the first half of 2013-14 (April-September, 2013) as compared to the previous year 2012-13 for the same period, April-September, 2012 are as below:
Source Total Generation (in BU) 2012-13 (April to September, 2012) 2013-14 (April to September, 2013)Coal 310.83 339.79Gas 37.83 22.82The power generation capacity added in the country in various sectors during the year 2012-13 is as below:
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