Usher Agro net profit declines 5.35% in the March 2013 quarter
Capital MarketNet profit of Usher Agro declined 5.35% to Rs 10.96 crore in the quarter ended March 2013 as against Rs 11.58 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2012. Sales rose 14.99% to Rs 249.30 crore in the quarter ended March 2013 as against Rs 216.81 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2012.
ParticularsQuarter EndedMar. 2013Mar. 2012% Var.Sales249.30216.81
15 OPM %13.0913.18
-1 PBDT19.4518.71
4 PBT15.5415.01
4 NP10.9611.58
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