Jet Airways (India) clocked volume of 2.54 crore shares by 12:39 IST on BSE, a 104.82-times surge over two-week average daily volume of 2.43 lakh shares. The stock fell 0.89% to Rs 574.60.
Radico Khaitan notched up volume of 4.62 lakh shares, a 17.49-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 26,000 shares. The stock rose 2.56% to Rs 130.
Strides Arcolab saw volume of 3.01 lakh shares, a 10.67-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 28,000 shares. The stock fell 0.37% to Rs 881.80.
Kotak Mahindra Bank clocked volume of 1.80 lakh shares, a 2.84-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 63,000 shares. The stock fell 1.44% to Rs 757.40.
Jai Corp saw volume of 10.09 lakh shares, a 2.23-fold rise over two-week average daily volume of 4.53 lakh shares. The stock fell 0.55% to Rs 63.20.
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