Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers clocked volume of 3.21 crore shares by 13:43 IST on BSE, a 56.99-times surge over two-week average daily volume of 5.65 lakh shares. The stock was locked at 10% lower circuit at Rs 56.20 after multiple block deals were executed in the counter on BSE.
Zee Entertainment Enterprises notched up volume of 11.47 lakh shares, a 7.05-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 1.63 lakh shares. The stock rose 0.69% at Rs 242.05.
Mahindra Satyam saw volume of 44.74 lakh shares, a 6.9-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 6.48 lakh shares. The stock lost 0.13% at Rs 115.15.
Shriram City Union Finance clocked volume of 1.30 lakh shares, a 4.53-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 29,000 shares. The stock lost 1.52% at Rs 1,000.05.
CRISIL saw volume of 52,000 shares, a 3.87-fold rise over two-week average daily volume of 13,000 shares. The stock rose 0.47% at Rs 1,107.
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