Whirlpool of India rose 4.44% to Rs 2290.90 after the company reported 40.85% jump in net profit to Rs 130.06 crore on 31.45% rise in revenue from operations to Rs 1,779.39 crore in Q4 FY21 over Q4 FY20.
Total expense during the quarter increased by 29.03% year-on-year (YoY) to Rs 1,626.20 crore, due to higher raw material costs (up 39.19% YoY) and higher employee expenses (up 14.03%). Finance costs slumped 97.11% to Rs 0.23 crore in Q4 FY21 from Rs 7.96 crore in Q4 FY20.
Profit before tax in Q4 FY21 stood at Rs 172.58 crore, up by 39.33% from Rs 123.86 crore in Q4 FY20.
The company recorded 28.23% fall in net profit to Rs 351.83 crore on 1.55% decline in revenue from operations to Rs 5,899.89 crore in FY21 over FY20. Total expense rose 1.28% to Rs 5,538.35 crore in FY21 from Rs 5,468.34 crore in FY20.
Whirlpool of India is primarily engaged in manufacturing and trading of refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, microwave ovens and small appliances and caters to both domestic and international markets.
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