Madrid, May 10 (IANS/EFE) Eleven former executives of the Adif state-owned railway administrator have been called to testify as suspects in the July 2013 high-speed train crash in northwestern Spain that killed 79 people.
The investigating judge will question them to determine if additional safety measures were needed at the curve where the derailment occurred.
Judge Luis Alaez called Adif executives as suspects last year for the accident that also left 150 others injured, judicial sources told Efe Friday.
A higher court overturned the decision but left the door open for him to continue probing whether safety measures were inadequate.
The driver of the train, Francisco Jose Garzon, who has admitted it was moving at double the 80 kmph speed limit around the curve, was charged last year with 79 counts of negligent homicide.
The July 24, 2013, crash on the outskirts of Santiago de Compostela was the second-deadliest rail accident in Spain's history.
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