The Delhi High Court Wednesday dismissed the bail plea of an 85-year-old man who was awarded life imprisonment for taking part in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.
A division bench headed by P.K. Bhasin and Justice V.P. Vaish denied bail to Captain Bhagmal, who was found guilty of killing five Sikhs in the violence that followed the assassination of prime minister Indira Gandhi.
On April 30, three convicts were sentenced to life after being found guilty of murder. They are: former councillor Balwan Khokkar, Girdhari Lal and Bhagmal.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had demanded death sentence for the three saying they were engaged in a "planned communal riot" and "religious cleansing".
The court had acquitted Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in the case and awarded three years imprisonment to former legislator Mahender Yadav and Kishan Khokkar.
The case in which Bhagmal was held deals with Kehar Singh, Gurpreet Singh, Raghuvender Singh, Narender Pal Singh and Kuldeep Singh, who were from one family and killed by a mob in Delhi Cantonment's area.