Twenty three students fell ill after consuming mid-day meal in Rajasthan's Dholpur Tuesday and were admitted to hospital, officials said. All had recovered and were discharged in the evening.
The incident occurred at Panjipura Anganwadi centre in Kanchanpur area in Dholpur, over 250 km from Jaipur.
"A centre worker was serving meal (porridge) to students in the morning. After consuming it, the students started to complain of stomach pain and a few vomited. The children were rushed to a local hospital immediately," a district administration official told IANS on phone.
The district administration has suspended three staff - two anganwadi workers and their supervisor - holding them responsible for the incident while a FIR has been lodged against an NGO that cooked the food. Samples of the food have been sent for testing.
All students were discharged after treatment from the hospital late in the evening.