The Delhi government on Tuesday announced that 66 enforcement teams would be deployed across the city to check the refusal, overcharging and misbehavior by auto drivers during implementation of odd-even scheme from January 1, a government official said.
This was decided in a meeting of Transport Minister Gopal Rai and Public Works Department Minister Satyendar Jain along with the officials of all departments concerned to ensure smooth implementation of the Delhi government's plan to reduce air pollution in the national capital.
"The transport department will deploy 66 enforcement teams across the city with particular emphasis on Inter State Bus Terminals, railway stations, hospitals, main markets etc. These teams will check if any auto driver misbehaves or overcharge the commuters," the official said.
Announcement at auto stands will also be made to sensitize auto drivers to follow the rules.
In the meeting it was clarified to the representatives of Delhi Police that only civil defence volunteers would participate along with National Cadet Corps (NCC) and National Service Scheme (NSS).
"These volunteers will work in close coordination with traffic police and revenue authorities. Their main role will be to create awareness on major crossings and they will carry placards and will not be authorized to stop any vehicles," the official said.
All civil volunteers will have to attend a briefing session at Chhatrasal Stadium on Wednesday so as to be aware about their specific role in the programme.