The AAP Tuesday withdrew the candidature of Mahendra Singh from the North West Delhi Lok Sabha constituency for alleged involvement in criminal cases. Former Delhi minister Rakhi Birla will be fielded from the seat, a party official said.
There was no official announcement of the decision from the Aam Aadmi Party but a party leader told IANS that the party was unaware of the cases filed against Singh, a social activist.
The AAP source said Singh had agreed to withdraw from the contest.
Singh told IANS he had "no complaints with the party decision". "I will still be a (party) member and campaign for (the AAP)," he said, adding the party was free to pick the best available candidate.
Rakhi Birla, a former journalist, was the youngest minister in the 49-day-long Arvind Kejriwal government in Delhi, a party leader told IANS.