Delhi's ruling Aam Aadmi Party on Friday alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party-headed municipal corporations of the national capital have failed to perform their obligatory functions and missed revised deadlines for the completion of many projects in the city.
AAP spokesperson Richa Panday told the media here that the trifurcated Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) could not complete smaller projects which they had announced before the 2012 civic elections.
"There are three projects which the North MCD has failed to complete. The Rani Jhansi grid seperator project which was started in 1998 is yet to be completed. Kishan Gunj rail under-bridge and waste-to-energy plant projects are also incomplete," Panday said.
She said besides failing to meet the completion of nine projects, the MCD has also been unsuccessful in maintaining hygiene and cleanliness standards in the national capital.
"Be it health, education or waste management issues, the MCD has failed to perform its obligatory functions."
The AAP spokesperson alleged that the MCD was "deceiving" the people of Delhi by misusing money from the public exchequer for their own personal luxuries.
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She said the East MCD had failed to complete the amusement park and Shahdara Jheel projects which were lined up 10 years ago.
"South MCD did not complete Bijwasan road project, which is an umbrella project under which four more projects were supposed to have been done."