Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Monday ordered action against two senior officials following violence in Ghaziabad district after a boy was killed in celebratory fire.
The action was ordered against the sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) and the deputy superintendent of police of Shamli. Separately, the Uttar Pradesh Police chief suspended a police inspector.
A television crew which had gone to cover the incident was also attacked, beaten up and held hostage for hours.
The 10-year-old boy was killed when a bullet struck him as he was passing near a rally by supporters of a man who had won a local election with the backing of the ruling Samajwadi Party.
He was going in an auto-rickshaw with his aunt when a stray bullet killed him.
Furious family members, relatives and locals blocked the national highway by placing the body of the victim in the centre.