Actor Ajaz Khan has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and cow vigilantes to ban global brand Harley-Davidson in India for selling products made from cow hide.
Ajaz made a video which he shared on his official fan's page on Facebook on Saturday.
"I have stalled shooting in Kashmir and come live to share that all these people called 'Gau Rakshaks' (cow vigilantes) are causing harm and killing people. So many people have been killed and no one is saying anything," Ajaz said in the over-three-minute video.
"I just bought a leather belt for Rs 8,000 from Harley Davidson. This is a cow leather belt. It's being sold in the entire world. If you really consider yourself men, then I request Modi ji, Yogi ji and 'Gau Rakshaks' to shut down Harley Davidson. I am helping you and not making fun of you," he added.
The former "Bigg Boss" contestant later criticised Modi and Adityanath.
"You want to divide citizens of the country. You want to create riots amongst Hindu and Muslims. You can't do anything. You can just get one man beaten by 20," he said.
"Go and shut Harley Davidson. You won't get anything by beating poor. I have also observed the poor state of stray cows on the road. Please save them first. Don't divide and provoke Hindus and Muslims in the country," Ajaz added.