TV actor Shravan Reddy, who plays Neil in the show "Dosti.. Yaariyan..Manmarzian", is all set to sing in the upcoming episodes. He found it a challenge to sing for real in the show, but says that he got a lot of encouragement from the cast and crew.
"It took me some time to prepare myself, but when I gave the first take it was something I won't forget. Despite not being a trained singer I got a lot of encouragement from cast and crew and went for the recording. I sang 'Wahan kaun hai tera musafir jayega kahan' from the film 'Guide' which is the same song my director keeps humming during shoot," Shravan said in a statement.
Incidentally, the song has already been featured on the show and Shravan would be singing the rock version of it.
"The song was sung by my on screen dadaji (grandfather) earlier, so I was given the rock version of it to croon. Samaira and I are in a lounge. When she gets upset and starts walking out, I try to cheer her by singing this song," the actor added.
This is not all, even Kashmira Irani, who plays Samaira in the show will be giving her voice for her show.
"Dosti..Yaariyaan..Manmarzian" is aired on Star Plus.