National champion Pankaj Advani and Varun Madan topped the overall rankings on conclusion of selection trials here Monday and the duo will represent India in the Asian Snooker to be held in Malaysia later this year.
Winning six of his seven league matches, Advani finished on top, while Madan ended up second after pulling off a 4-3 win over the national champion in his concluding league fixture.
The results (league): Varun Madan bt Devendra Joshi 4-1; Pankaj Advani bt Manan Chandra 4-2; Madan bt Dharminder Lilly 4-2; Faisal Khan bt Devendra Joshi 4-3; Kamal Chawla bt Shahbaaz Adil Khan 4-3; Shahbaaz Adil Khan bt Joshi 4-2; Lilly bt Chandra 4-3; Chawla bt Faisal Khan 4-3; Madan bt Advani 4-3.
Camp Ranking: 1. Pankaj Advani; 2. Kamal Chawla; 3. Varun Madan; 4. Faisal Khan; 5. Shahbaaz Adil Khan; 6. Manan Chandra; 7. Dharminder Lilly; 8. Devendra Joshi.
Overall Ranking: 1. Advani; 2. Madan; 3. Chawla; 4. Chandra; 5. Faisal Khan; 6. Lilly; 7. Shahbaaz Adil Khan; 8. Joshi.