Actor Ben Affleck, who has three children with wife and actor Jennifer Garner, says his kids don't care much about his role as Batman because they prefer Disney's "Frozen" movie.
The actor is playing the superhero in forthcoming film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice".
On "Tonight Show" Monday, the 42 year-old actor said his children will only be interested in his acting if it has anything to do with movies like "Frozen" on "Tonight Show", reports
The actor said: "Because of the fact I'm playing Batman now, people say, 'Are your kids into it?' The truth is, they're not. If I was doing the sequel to 'Frozen' I would be a hero.
"My two older daughters couldn't give a s**t about Batman and they've now passed that affection onto my son. He's always like, 'Papa, can I watch 'Frozen'? And I'm like, 'No, dude, it's not on again!'."