After Delhi Congress chief spokesperson Sharmistha Mukherjee warned her father, former President Pranab Mukherjee, against attending an RSS event in Nagpur, senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel said "he did not expect this from Mukherjee".
"I did not expect this from Pranab da!" tweeted Patel, tagging Sharmistha's tweet.
On Wednesday, Sharmistha tweeted: "Hope CitiznMukherjee now realises from today's incident, how BJP dirty tricks department operates.
"Even RSS would not believe that you are going to endorse its views in your speech. But the speech will be forgotten, visuals will remain and those will be circulated with fake statements," Sharmistha said in a series of tweets.
"CitiznMukherjee by going to Nagpur, you are giving BJP/RSS full handle to plant false stories, spread false rumours ... and making it somewhat believable. And this is just the beginning!"
Mukherjee will be speaking at the concluding function of RSS-organised "Tritiya Varsh Varg" on Thursday evening.
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