In a major security breach, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and his wife were stuck in a lift in the state assembly for over 20 minutes on Friday because of some technical snag.
The incident left his security detail and police in a tizzy.
Akhilesh and wife Dimple Yadav, a Lok Sabha member from Kannauj, were returning from a function - Bal Sansad (children's parliament) -- at the Vidhan Sabha building.
The lift came to a grinding halt and then got stuck as the couple took it to come down from the second floor.
The chief minister's personal security officer was also with the couple inside the lift.
Officials waiting on the ground floor developed cold feet when the chief minister's lift did not come down. Frantic calls were made to the security officer who confirmed the lift was stuck somewhere in between.
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The couple and the security officer could come out only after engineers' services were requisitioned and the snag was attended to.
--Ino-Asian News Service