In an attempt to move closer to people, Hyderabad police has now become accessible on Facebook, the popular social networking site.
The office of the police commissioner and all police stations on the city have opened Facebook pages as a part of the Telangana government's vision to transform state police into a citizen friendly and responsive force.
Launching the pages, Director General of Police (DGP) Anurag Sharma said the use of such latest technologies would help the people to approach the concerned station house officer with their grievances.
He said the interaction between police and the community in real time on a regular basis would help the police in improving its service delivery standards on a continual basis.
The local police stations can also keep local communities informed of the initiatives and actions taken by them from time to time on a real time basis in terms of crime prevention, crime detection, maintenance of law and order, surveillance over crime and criminals, citizen grievance redressal and emergency response management.
People can enroll themselves as active partners in policing activities through community policing initiatives in their respective police station areas.
The police chief said steps would be taken to bring police in all districts of the state on Facebook.