Actress Amanda Bynes refused to do her own daily radio show offered by Playboy radio as she wants to focus on her music career.
The 27-year-old actress was offered a full-time job by the radio station and despite being interested in the opportunity, she rejected the offer as her focus is on the album she is recording, reports
"I want to do the show. But I can't because I'm recording an album!" quoted her as saying.
"I'll go on their show for an interview when I'm promoting my album," she added.
Playboy initially offered her a guest hosting gig on Monday but decided to officially offer her an hour long daily radio show on a week's trial Tuesday. And if the producers would have been impressed by her, the station was planning to offer her a one-year contract.
Amanda recently revealed she is determined to have a career as a rapper.
She wrote on her Twitter page: "Look forward to seeing me in music videos! I'm getting in shape and getting a nose job! I'm looking forward to a long and wonderful career as a singer/rapper! (sic)."