BJP president Amit Shah's official website was launched at the party head office here on Saturday. Shah dedicated his maiden blog post to Hindutva pioneer Veer Savarkar.
Calling Savarkar his "ideal", Shah said his mantra was "one nation, one cultural value and nationalism", and asked people to join him in making a country of Savarkar's dreams.
Shah said he has tears rolling down his cheeks whenever he thinks about the tortures suffered by Savarkar during British rule and the way he was treated in independent India.
Savarkar was also charged and later acquitted in Mahatma Gandhi's murder case.
Reacting to this, Congress leader Manish Tewari said: "This is another manifestation of the extremely fanatical and obscurantist outlook of the party and the gentleman in reference."
The website -- -- was launched by Bharatiya Janata Party general secretary Ram Lal at the BJP head office on Ashoka Road in central Delhi.
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"I always receive complaints from people that I interact less with the media. I do accept that," Shah said.
He said information related to the party, the government and his own activities will be available on the website, and it will help him in interacting with the people of the country as well as party workers.