As his film "Lawaaris" clocked 35 years of its existence on Sunday, megastar Amitabh Bachchan walked down memory lane. He recalled the moment when he lifted his wife and actress Jaya on one occasion while singing "Mere angne mein" at a live performance.
The actor took to his official blog to talk about the film and the popular song, which still strikes a chord among music lovers.
He shared: "The 'chhoti biwi' being lifted for the verse 'jiski biwi chhoti, uska bhi bada naam hai ... goad mein baitha lo, bachche ka kya kaam hai'... But shows and its formation and its experiences shall be another blog another day ... there is so much on that chapter."
The actor also shared that he took the stage in New York on being insisted by melody queen Lata Mangeshkar.
The "Paa" star posted: "Lata Mangeshkar asking you to sing a song on her show and how could one ever get out of it, so I did it. The reaction was wild. I never as did no one else imagine that it would have such effect.
"People who for events such as these would sedately sit at respective seats and appreciate the concert, sprung out and landed up on stage and danced with me. New York police department had quite a time controlling it."
Sharing the idea behind the creation of the song, Amitabh shared: "'Mere angne mein' scored above all others. It was one that I had heard from my father in the younger days on wedding celebrations and on festivals like Holi. In UP (Uttar Pradesh) folk this was a favourite...And so the song came about."
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Directed by Prakash Mehra, "Laawaris" revolves around an orphan who stumbles over his reality in search for his parents. It also features Amjad Khan, Zeenat Aman and Raakhee.
At present, Amitabh is looking forward to "Te3N" and "Pink".