Andhra Pradesh Police sent teams to a tribal area in Visakhapatnam district Monday following reports that three Maoists were killed by the villagers after the extremists eliminated a tribal on suspicion that he was acting as a police informer.
Maoists had to reportedly face people's ire in Korukonda village of Chintapalli mandal of Visakhapatnam district when they gunned down a youth after branding him a police informer.
Police have not yet confirmed the reports of the clash between the Maoists and villagers.
Police officials said they will comment only after the teams reached the villages and ascertained the facts.
Maoists are active in Chintapalli mandal, a tribal area.
Police have been conducting meetings with villagers in Korukonda to desist them from joining the outlawed Communist Party of India (Maoist).
Senior officials who visited the village a few months ago had sought people's cooperation in laying roads and other development works in the interior areas of the state.