Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday took on the BJP, saying it should allow parliament to function if it was worried about the country's economy.
"Parliament is the supreme body in the country and is not allowed to function session after session," Manmohan Singh in the Rajya Sabha.
"I am glad the principal opposition recognises the need for consensus in the house. But building consensus is the responsibility of both the government and the principal opposition. But their conduct in the house is otherwise," he said.
"The principal opposition has never reconciled itself that it was voted out of power in 2004," he added
This remark caused commotion in the house, with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members noisily protesting.
After Deputy Chairman P.J. Kurien intervened, order was restored.
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Manmohan Singh went on: "Have you ever heard of a situation in any parliament where the prime minister is not allowed to introduce his council of ministers.
"Have you ever heard of any other country where primary opposition walks to the well of the house and shouts 'PM chor hai" (PM is thief)."