Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Friday said he will propose his son Vikramaditya Singh's name from Shimla Rural constituency -- which the former is representing in the Vidhan Sabha since 2012 -- in the next assembly elections.
Vikramaditya is presently the state Indian Youth Congress chief. If he gets to contest the assembly elections slated for December 2017, it will be his maiden entry into state electoral politics.
Addressing party workers in his assembly segment here, the octogenarian Chief Minister also expressed his desire to re-contest the next assembly elections.
"I wish to contest from a seat which the Congress has never won. However, it will depend on the state's people," he said.
"I have received plenty of love from the people of Shimla Rural, similar to what I got from those in my traditional home constituency (Rohru in Shimla district)," Virbhadra Singh, who is into his sixth term as Himachal Chief Minister, said.
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