Actor-filmmaker Sundar C's Tamil horror-comedy "Aranmanai 2", which is in its last leg of shooting, has set a new record for creating Asia's largest statue of goddess Amman, which will be used in important juncture in the film.
According to the makers, the feat is likely to enter Limca Book of Records.
"We had planned to create the scenes involving the statue of the goddess with visual effects, but we weren't sure if it'd be as authentic as a real one. Hence, we decided to make a statue with plaster of Paris, skeletons and some other materials," the film's art director Gururaj told IANS.
It took the team 40 days to complete the statue, which is 103 feet tall.
"We made the statue with lot of sincerity. Some of us even fasted for few days until we completed the task," he said.
A sequel to last year's "Aranmanai", the film stars Siddharth, Trisha Krishnan, Hansika Motwani, Soori and Poonam Bajwa in important roles.
The film is produced by Sundar's actress-wife Khushbhu.