Relief and rescue work is on in flood-hit Tamil Nadu with 60 rescue and relief teams of the army in place, including medical teams deployed in the most critically affected areas of Chennai, an official statement said.
An army statement said four medical teams are being deployed to deal with anticipated flood related medical problems, while five additional rescue and relief teams have been dispatched from Bengaluru.
"The army rescue and relief teams have been operating in areas which are the worst hit by the floods in Tambaram, Pallikaranai, Kotturpuram, Pallavaram, Velacheri, Mannipakkam, Sidco Nagar, Perungudi and also along areas adjacent to the Adyar River," the statement said.
It said rescue teams have so far rescued over 7,000 stranded people using boats and about 9,000 people with vehicles. Army has also distributed relief materials including water and food to over 20,000 people. In areas where the rescue operations have been brought under control, army is assisting the civil administration with relief work in the form of medical assistance, and food supply.
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Eastern Naval Command's commander-in-chief, Vice Admiral Satish Soni said on Saturday asserted that Chennai is returning to normalcy at a very fast rate.
"Navy is committed to the relief operations... Our helicopters are doing aerial surveys constantly," he said.
"State government is doing outstanding job of coordinating all efforts of various people. The city is returning back to normalcy at a very fast rate," he said.