The Tamil Nadu government on Wednesday said the inquiry commission headed by Madras High Court's retired judge Justice A.Arumugaswamy will probe the circumstances and the situation leading to hospitalisation of late Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa.
In an order issued detailing the terms of reference of the inquiry commission, it said: "To inquire into the circumstances and situation leading to the hospitalisation of the late Hon'ble Chief Minister on 22.9.2016 and subsequent treatment provided till her unfortunate demise on 5.12.2016."
The government on September 25 set up an inquiry commission headed by Arumughaswamy without mentioning the terms of reference for the commission.
The commission will submit its report in three months time.
Ever since Jayalalithaa's death, there have been hints of foul play in her death, with critics pointing fingers at her aide, the now jailed V.K. Sasikala.
The AIADMK camp of Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam had laid down a probe into the death as one of its demands before merging the faction with that led by Chief Minister E. Palaniswami.
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Meanwhile earlier in the day Apollo Hospital Group Chairman Prathap C Reddy in Delhi said the hospital would cooperate with the inquiry commission.