Private sector lender Bandhan Bank Ltd on Thursday said it has signed an agreement with Avenues India Pvt Ltd, a payment solution provider in India, to provide the merchants with access to the point of sale (POS) and the payment gateway products.
"We are always exploring ways and means for smart transactions. Our partnership with them gives us the opportunity to support our valued customers by offering them convenient banking solutions and provide easy access to POS and e-payment gateways for their businesses," lender's MD and CEO Chandra Shekhar Ghosh said.
City based lender at present has 3,546 touch points pan India -- consisting of 828 branches, 2,437 Doorstep Service Centres (DSCs) and 281 ATMs.
Payment solution provider's head Nandkumar Menon said its e-payment gateways combined with the bank's financing solutions would provide enhanced support to the whole merchant base.