BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi Tuesday said he "had been through a lot" to prove his innocence in the 2002 Godhra riots.
"I was questioned by police for nine hours and till date no chief minister in India has been grilled for so long. I've been through a lot to prove my innocence," Modi told ABP News in an interview.
Modi said the Supreme Court had seen the video footage of his interrogation and proclaimed his innocence.
"I have proven myself on these fronts and will continue to do so in future as well. But I refuse to surrender to lies and political conspiracies," he said.
The Gujarat chief minister said that during the United Progressive Alliance's second term in 2007, he was dragged to the Supreme Court "due to a political conspiracy" and decided to remain silent.
"I decided not to speak since the Supreme Court must not get influenced," he said.