Senior BJP leader and Union Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Thursday said his party's second place finish in the Kanthi Daskhin assembly by-poll showed the people of the state have started trusting it.
"In spite of not having an adequate organisational strength in Kathi, the BJP has got 30 per cent of the total vote share in the election. It is evident that the people of Bengal have started trusting the BJP," Prasad said at a party meeting in West Bengal's Nadia district.
He said the result in Kanthi South was reflective of the BJP's growth and the significant weakening of the CPI-M and the Congress, indicating the future course of politics in Bengal.
"Yes Trinamool has won the election but what is important is that the once formidable CPI-M got around 17 thousand votes while the Congress managed only two thousand. This is an indication of the future to come in Bengal," the BJP leader claimed.