The West Bengal government is considering framing laws to determine wages of domestic help, and has asked departments for their feedback on the subject, a minister said on Wednesday.
"Fixing wages is under consideration, and we have asked for feedback from various departments, including social welfare and labour, on this matter," state Labour Minister Moloy Ghatak told IANS.
He said the government was looking into various aspects before finalising a directive or regulation since there were different natures of work done by domestic help.
"The issue of non-standardised work hours is there. While some of them work in a household, attending to its sweeping needs, others may work as cooks etc. Besides, there is no particular time of work for them," he said.
Ghatak said the state government has already framed laws over health benefits and other social sector schemes for the unorganised work force in the state.
"We already have these schemes running and the domestic help can avail these schemes," he said.
Maidservants across the state have been asking the state to determine their wages, and are also pressing for several social sector benefits.