In the wake of the death of a boy allegedly after he was mercilessly beaten by his school teacher, the West Bengal government has decided to order primary school teachers in the state not to "chastise" a student or "discriminate" between them.
The instructions, to be issued to the primary schools, underscore that teachers defying the order would be punished.
"We won't permit chastising of school students by teachers. There also should be not discrimination. If any teachers violates it, it will be considered corporal punishment and action will be taken against the teacher concerned.
"Just as we do not permit physical punishment like beating or causing injury to a student, similarly we won't permit any form of mental harassment," said West Bengal Primary Education Board chairman Manik Bhattacharya.
Ten-year-old Bapi Joardar, a student of Nirdeshkhali Notunpara Sishu Siksha Kendra atBasantiin South 24 Parganas district, died at the state-run SSKM hospital Friday morning.
He was brought to the city hospital after he was beaten by his teacher and his head banged against a wall.
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The teacher Champa Mondal has been arrested and a case of culpable homicide not amounting to murder slapped against her.
The Banerjee government has already ordered an inquiry into the matter, while the National Commission for the Protection of Childran has sought a report.