RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday criticised the Supreme Court's decision allowing entry of women of all ages to the Sabarimala temple in Kerala, saying it was flawed as it did not consider all aspects and hence would not be easily adopted.
"The decisions taken without considering all aspects, will neither be adopted in actual practice nor will they help in creating a new social order in tune with changing times and positions," Bhagwat told Rashtriya Swayamsevaks on the occasion of Vijayadashmi in Reshimbaug here.
Bhagwat said the situation that was witnessed on Wednesday in Sabarimala due to the apex court's September 28 verdict happened only because of "the tradition that has been accepted by society and continuously followed for years was not taken into consideration".
"The idea was to have gender equality, which is fine. However, there should have been talks (with the followers of the tradition). The faith of crores of devotees was not taken into account."
"A large number of women, who follow the tradition, were not heard; their emotions weren't respected. There has been no effort to discuss with the followers of the faith and that has given rise to unrest and divisiveness in society instead of peace and equality."
The temple doors opened for the first time on Wednesday after the verdict came over two weeks back. The protesters, who opposed the entry of women in the 10-50 age group clashed with the police as the state government tried to enforce the court's decision.
Bhagwat said that the origin of a tradition should be analysed properly.
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"It should be understood why a particular tradition came into existence. The reasons from which it arose, and whether they were still valid even today."