The trailer of upcoming comedy film "BHK Bhalla@Halla.Kom" was on Tuesday unveiled here by the movie cast.
TV actor Ujjwal Rana, who plays Pawan Bhalla in the film, said: "The film is an intelligently written comedy in which you'll have no option but to get involved and laugh."
"The film is a simple one, made on a realistic pattern. There is chaos but it is sensible chaos. There are moments in the film which touch you in terms of emotions," he added.
Ujjwal's leading lady from the film, Inshika Bedi said: "I had a lovely opportunity to work with Ujjwal and Rakesh on a fabulous script. I really enjoyed the film. The character that I'm playing is quite similar to what I really am. So I could relate to the character very well, hence it was quite easy for me. It was a lovely experience."
Ujjwal and Inshika play lovers, but have to face an obstacle in the form of the girl's father who will agree to their marriage only if Ujjwal manages to buy a house of his own in the city.
"BHK Bhalla@Halla.Kom" also stars Manoj Pahwa, Seema Pahwa, Yashpal Sharma and Brijendra Kala among others.
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It is being jointly produced by Dhiraj Rokad, Amit Rokad, Ashok Tripathi, Rakesh Chaturvedi under the banner 9 Production, GM Film Production and RCOM Productions.
--Indo-Asian News service